Jesus Christ and what He revealed:
- you miss the Point: it's all about me!
- getting to the point: Jesus is all about you!
- His initiative, our responce.
- The revelation of Jesus Christ.
- The Face of Christ
- Knowing Christ before creation
- The Inexhaustible Riches of Christ.
- Christ - the ultimate design
- The Ultimate Experience
- Equality and Fellowship
- He's alive - in you!
- From God's point of view
- Christ In You: The Apostle's Secret
- The Central Secret of Union
- FleshBibles
The true identity of man:
- Your Beginning
- Your Creation
- God's opinion of you - Glory!
- Spirit Identity
- God, I'm amazing! The credit's down to you
- What are you worth?
- How important is your past?
- God's Higher Order of Man
Living It!:
- Faith
- Are you qualified to share Christ?
- Beyond the predictable
- Feedback from the 'Saturday Word Feast'
- Personal Freedom
- Set free from 'Christian' religion
- Beware of prayer!
Ekklesia - the called out ones:
- Ekklesia and Christ
- Knowing Christ before creation
- Revolution Part 1
- Revolution Part 2
- Understanding Authority Part 1
- Understanding Authority Part 2
- Understanding Authority Part 3
- Could somebody turn the light on, please?!
- Beyond Doubt
- Prisons do not exclude God