Hear Him

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Feedback from the 'Saturday Word Feast'

The following, is some of the feedback we received from last Saturday's Word Feast. (Hope to see you all next time)

Hi Andre and Mary-Anne

The Word feast was amazing. We met so many wonderful people equally excited of the treasure that indwells them.

Thank you for the rich fellowship and the barbeque was top class. Our children was not at all impressed with me when we wanted to leave, they just love playing with all their new found friends.

"How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity". The joy of celebrating our origin was so evident. We all come from different backgrounds but we had all one thing in common, Christ within us. My friend Joe who came with me was amazed by the spontaneous input from everyone and the unity of faith really blessed Him. He kept on expressing to me his amazement at everyone spontaneously, just celebration the living Christ within, without any one particular person having to lead them. Even the singing and worshipping around the "barbe and a cuppa" was awesome. Thanks Mary-Anne, your songs are just filled with the Father's heart. Keep on going and get that CD out!

We were very blessed to see everyone acknowleding the good in each other, we commonly share in Chrsit Jesus. When are we having the next one? I would like you guys to meet more of my friends in Crayford.

Love you tons!
Tans and Portia

This was such an encouraging morning to experience. We shared about the goodness of Christ and on our identity in Christ and the Christ in us. What a heritage Jesus left for us, as we were sharing you cannot but help thinking this is how it must have been in the new testament churches, sharing Jesus and encouraging each other in the Word which is alive in us. I could feel the word being stirred up in me as we shared, Holy Spirit in me releasing me, igniting the fire of this prescious gospel Jesus left us. Like in the times of Paul, we shared not only the gospel but a meal afterwards enjoying the fellowship around the table and then with worship, as Mary-Anne shared her latest songs with us. This was truly a phenomenal time together and we cannot wait for the next one. Thank You Jesus.


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