Hear Him

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

3. The Ultimate Experience

Gen 1:28 And God blessed them.. The word blessed (baw-rak) is defined as an act of adoration such as kneeling.

Man’s first experience was the overwhelming display of God’s favour and adoration! The desire within man to worship God was birthed by this experience of God’s adoration – the only appropriate response is to reflect back the adoration He gives. Man alone can appreciate and respond to His love on this level.

I remember that as a young boy of about 15, I desperately sought to please God. I constantly scrutinized my life for stuff I thought had to change to make me more attractive to God. One afternoon, lying on my bed, I again began evaluating my behaviour, searching for ways to eliminate what might be offensive. Suddenly, I became aware of God smiling over me. His favour overwhelmed me. It had nothing to do with how I performed, He just adored me because He wanted to. I realized that it was not my behaviour that attracted His favour, it was who I am. He adores what He made.

The realization of His favour, independent of my behaviour, is what enables me to spontaneously do what pleases Him. It became blatantly obvious how ridiculous it is to try and earn His favour. His approval is out of all proportion to your best achievement. It is bigger than the best deed could ever deserve. It can only be received as a gift.

Rom 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

By Andre Rabe

1 comment:

Sound of The Bugle said...

Hi Andre,

I was thinking of the words of Mary-Anne's song when i read your article,"...How vast is the some of His thoughts so beautiful to me,if I were to count them Oh Lord, they out number the sands of the sea" God is consumed in His love for us. What is man that he is minful of us, Psalm 8. Blow the trumpet and sound the ditinct sound of the bugle, the human race is awaiting the revelation of the sons of God.1Cor14:8 Love you guys!