Hear Him

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


The gospel reveals that God rescued the human race through His Son’s obedience. Where does this leave the world, guilty as charged through the Law, or innocent as revealed in the Gospel? “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, surely He took our sorrows, and by His stripes we were healed.” Is.53:4,5. “If one died for all it can only mean that they all have likewise died.” (His death was their death) 2Cor.5:14. The gospel is not about God’s love for good and well-behaved people, but about God’s initiative to reconcile hostile humanity to Himself. “While we were yet sinners He died for us.” Rom.5:8. The success of redemption is not measured by man’s ability to change himself but by God’s single act of grace in Christ realised. The gospel declares that something has happened to mankind in Christ of far greater consequence than what has happened to them in Adam. Rom.5:14-21. In this writing it is clear that Paul sees all of mankind, without exception, as deriving greater benefit from the mission of Christ than they suffered injury from the fall of Adam. The same mass of humanity that were made sinners by the disobedience of the one, are made righteous by the obedience of the other. (Quote from a quote out of Andre Rabe’s book, Adventures in Christ.)

Man became a new creation in Christ. (2 Cor.5:17 the ‘if’ being a conclusion, not a condition! See v.14-21; also as in Rom.8:31 “If God be for us , who can be against us!” The gospel reveals the fact that God is for us!) “Of God are you in Christ, whom God made to be our wisdom, our righteousness and sanctification and redemption!” 1Cor.1:30. “This means that our knowledge and judgement of men can no longer be based upon their outward lives.” 2 Cor.5:16. Mankind’s association in Christ from before the foundation of the earth is the basis of God’s dealing with man. Ep.1:4. “God has shown me,” says Peter, “to call no man common or unclean.” Acts10:15,28. Paul instructs Titus to, “speak evil of no man, avoid quarrelling, be gentle and show perfect courtesy towards all men. For we ourselves were once blinded by our ignorance, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by men and hating one another.” Titus 3:2-4. In the light of our true origin and identity revealed in the word of truth, James says in chapter 3:9 that we can no longer magnify God, and with the same voice insult and condemn a man who is made in His image. The parables Jesus told of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the prodigal son clearly reveal, that in the eyes of the original owner the sinner has never lost his value. Luke15. “He solved the sin problem for good, not only ours, but the whole world’s! 1John2:2. The Message.

This is the nucleus of the truth which knowledge makes man free to be free indeed. Has the world indeed heard the good news of their acquittal or is mankind still held hostage through a wrong gospel that leaves the masses either indifferent or condemned? John the Baptist points out the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world but then he continues his old style of preaching and condemns Herod. Instead of becoming the first disciple of Jesus, who did not come to condemn the world, he holds on to his personal pulpit and trains disciples that turn out to be having more in common with the Pharisees than with Jesus. “We fast and pray while you guys eat and drink, you are wine-bibbers and gluttons, friends of thieves and prostitutes!” Luke 5:33, Math.9:14,16,17. In prison John becomes offended and questions redemption, “Are You the Lamb of God or must we wait for another wave or movement?” Math.11:3,6. There are many stubborn preachers today who take offence of this gospel and refuse to submit to the righteousness that comes from God and prefer their old ways of seeking to establish a counterfeit righteousness through rigorous rules and regulations, preaching condemnation inspired and distracted by the contradiction rather than the solution. There is such a difference between a zeal for God and the zeal of the Lord. Righteousness by faith is what ignites the zeal of the Lord in the heart. Rom.10:1-4. The sinners were attracted to Jesus not because he introduced a compromise to the law, something like, “it’s all right to sin just don’t get caught or try and do it less!” but because revealed in His person they saw the mirror-reflection of their true origin, identity and innocence! They knew that the lies they embraced as their identity had no power against the resonance of their own conscience. Jesus didn’t say to the prostitute, “Go and sin less,” He said to her “Go and sin no more!”

Part of a booklet by Francois du Toit

Sunday, October 23, 2005


“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Heb.11:1. If faith is both the substance and the evidence then what are we waiting for. How can any manifestation of any proportion (or lack thereof) add or subtract value to what faith already sees, knows and enjoys?! Paul learns what it means to be content in ill repute and good repute, in abundance and lack! This suggests that abundance is not always a sign of God’s goodness neither is lack a sign of God’s absence! Phil.4:11,12, Hab.3:17-19. Faith understands fullness; His fullness is continued in us!

Spirit-faith is so much more than ‘the in-between-thing!’ It is not the psychological bridge between what you don’t have and what you need! That is called positive thinking, or goal setting, which we are all familiar with as a natural law as much as sowing and reaping is also a natural law. There is nothing wrong with that; it is how any business or individual succeeds in the natural realm of the senses. Spirit-faith operates in a dimension of far greater significance. Its reference is rooted in what God knows: God sees mankind included in Christ. “God calls things which are not (visible) as though they were.” Rom.4:17. “We have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote, “I believe and so I speak”, we too believe and so we speak while we look not at the things that are seen but at things that are unseen.” 2Cor.4:13,18. Note that this kind of faith is not a blind-fold, leap-in-the-dark kind of faith; it is a seeing, and therefore speaking a greater reality. “We impart this in words not taught by human wisdom (reduced to human experience) but taught by the Spirit, combining and intertwining spirit with spirit.” 1 Cor.2:13. “Deep calls unto deep!” Ps.42:7. Paul is so confident about the fact that man is spirit compatible, that he refuses to tamper with the word in order to squeeze it into an inferior mould of familiar human experience or popular traditional opinion. But by the open (unveiled) statement of the truth, the opinion of God revealed in the face of Christ as in a mirror, he appeals to every man’s conscience. 2 Cor.3:18, 4:2. “When you read this, you will perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ,” he says. Eph.3:4. Man is designed to live life in the largest sense of the word, ignited and sustained by the expression of God’s opinion. (‘Every word that proceeds from His mouth’) The substance of this faith is found in the revelation of man’s true spirit identity. “He brought us forth by the Word of truth.” To continue in this Word is to discover the liberating law of sonship! James 1:18,25, John 8:31,32,36. In these last days God spoke to us in a son! Heb.1:2 This faith comes from God; it is the faith of God. He is the Originator and Author as well as the final conclusion of our faith, it is “from faith to faith.” Rom.1:17, Heb.12:2. How can the father of lies compete with the Everlasting Father, the Father of truth?

The substance of Simon’s faith was his spirit identity, his true sonship: “Simon, son of Jona, I call you Peter and on this Rock will I build my church.” Abraham’s faith did not find its substance in Isaac in the first place, but in friendship with God, based on his spirit identity! (His identity is revealed in his faith-name, father of many nations!) Herein is the secret of his faith: “I am your exceeding great reward, says the Lord!” Gen.15:1,6. Faith is a ‘friendship with God-thing’ before anything else! What makes friendship with God not only possible but also irresistible is the revelation of man’s origin (his true spirit identity) and restored innocence. Anything, even Isaac must go to the altar rather than substitute the real thing! Abraham’s faith was reckoned to him as righteousness twenty-five years before Isaac! Rom.4.This faith is a gift embraced not an achievement won through religious discipline: i.e. diligent study, meditation, fasting, giving, prayer and parrot-type confessions, etc. (Not that there is anything wrong with these disciplines, as long as it is because of, and not in order to!) Eph.2:8.
The living eternal Word revealed in the life death and resurrection of Jesus as mankind’s life, death and resurrection ignites faith-revelation in the consciousness of man. Rom.10:17. This is the mystery that was hidden for ages. “None of the rulers of this age understood this, if they had, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory.” 1Cor.2:7,8. The faith of God reveals His eternal purpose and opinion, which is to unite all things in Himself, things in heaven and things on earth! Eph.1:9,10, Eph.3:11. God did enough in Christ to reconcile, (unite) the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them! 2Cor.5:19. “All of creation eagerly anticipates the revelation of the sons of God! Rom.8:19.

Part of a booklet by Francois du Toit

Wednesday, October 19, 2005



Great change is indeed coming to church-life, as we know it. Multitudes of believers find a fresh expression in a smaller home environment rather than the clumsy impersonal big building context (Often spelt, contest!). What needs reformation though, is not the size or structure of church expression, but the content of its message! Unless the fundamental ingredient of our understanding of the finished work of Christ is grasped by engraved spirit revelation, the smaller compact package of the home-church will soon become the same baggage that neutralised and paralysed believers for ages. ‘A little leaven leavens the whole lump’ says Paul in Gal.5:6-10. He clearly refers to religious tradition, in this case, circumcision that represents personal contribution and performance in order to distinguish and qualify the individual. Even the slightest emphasis on personal effort and contribution, nullifies the faith that grace reveals, and makes gratitude phoney. Any presence in our belief, even insignificantly small, of something we still have to do in order to obtain favour from God nullifies the power of the cross and puts us back under the law of performance. ‘While we compete and compare with one another we are without understanding’ 2 Cor.10:12.

Most Christians do not have a problem with the fact that Christ is revealed and received by faith, the problem comes with the practical walk which so easily becomes cluttered by all the performance-related emotions that the law triggers, such as boasting, competition, guilt, fear, suspicion, sin-consciousness etc. Any form of doing not inspired by the revelation of grace results in dead works! It is the faith-inspired and faith-sustained walk that triumph in life! Gal.3:2,3.

Faith is fuelled by revealed value; (Gal.5:6) love sees that something has happened to mankind in Christ that is of far greater authority and consequence than what happened to humanity in Adam’s fall. Rom.5:14-21, 2Cor.5:14-21. It is also as much superior to the prophetic shadow sustained by tradition, as the child that is born is superior to the placenta that held and sustained the seed and foetus of promise. Col.2:8,17, Gal.4:1-10. Faith understands that the conclusion of grace is mankind’s inclusion in Christ.

Part of a booklet by Francois du Toit

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


His death, resurrection and ascension did not conclude His ministry, but ignited and multiplied it in us! We are not only included in His death and resurrection, but also in His ascension, ‘He raised us up with Him and made us sit with Him in heavenly places!’ Ep.2:6. The grain of wheat that would feed the nations did not abide alone, but fell into the earth and died and brought forth much fruit! John 12:24. The dawning of this truth in the understanding of the believer will revolutionise the church! The ecclesia of God is His voice and expression in the earth! His building, His workmanship, His tabernacle, His abode, His image, His presence known and read by all men! His original blueprint-word made flesh. Ordinary lives communicating an extra ordinary impact! John G Lake wrote, “The struggle of the centuries has been to free the soul from narrow interpretations. The world is still waiting to see Him as He is, Jesus the magnificent, Jesus the giant, Jesus the compassionate, Jesus the dynamic, the wonder of the ages. Take the shackles off, let Him have a chance to bless mankind through you without limitations!” Be renewed in the spirit of your mind! Ep.4:23. Paul makes this statement in 2Cor.6:12, “You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted in your own affections!” And in 1 Cor.4:8 he says, "Already you are filled! Already you have become rich! Without us you have become kings (It is not Paul's teaching that made us who and what we are, it was Christ's obedience) Would that you did reign!" What an awesome privilege to discover and indulge in a truth that has always been. "It is not a new doctrine, it is the Word that has been from the beginning, yet it is new, for that which is true in Him is true in us!" 1Jn 2:7,8.

NEWS FLASH! “Two uneducated fishermen heals a man who was a cripple for more than 40 years! Such was the immediate impact that 5000 men believed!” Acts 4:13. In the time of the early church no written Bible existed for decades and the majority of the people were illiterate, yet the Word increased and the number of disciples multiplied greatly. Acts 6:7. Paul sees with conviction the future of the Word documented not on tablets of stone written and interpreted by human opinion, neither preserved in millions of copies of Bibles and libraries of literature in every translation and language, not even in Christian broadcast and television, but the image and likeness of God engraved by the Spirit of God on tablets of human hearts; lives reflecting the same distinct quality of spirit character that was displayed in the life of Christ; “known and read by all men!” Wow! What an audience, what an impact! I like that, not confusing the masses, but including them! The true light that enlightens every man has come. 2 Cor.3:2,3,18, John 1:9. “With the open statement of the truth, we appeal to every man’s conscience!” 2Cor.4:2. All of our Christian effort through the media and through organised church regardless of how many people we involve, only carry as much impact as the next person we present mature in the full stature of Christ!

The eternal Word, the Word that was from the beginning is now also the final Word, all the imagination of God’s sacred thought, culminating in one man, Jesus, now multiplied beyond count to reveal every man as fully included in God’s love dream. Heb.1:1,2. The prophet Habakkuk saw that the revelation of righteousness by faith would be so clearly communicated, that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. “Write the vision, make it plain upon tablets, so that he may run who reads it.” Hab.2:2,4,14. Nothing will mobilise the individual more, than realising the truth of their spirit identity, their innocence and union with God. Righteousness by faith is not a new, compromised set of rules, but the mirror reflection of God’s image and likeness redeemed and revealed in man. Gen.1:26. “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, what it was that met our gaze and the touch of our hands. Yes, life dawned! Beloved I am not writing to you a new doctrine, this is the Word that was from the beginning, yet it is new, in that which is true in Him is also exactly true in you! He has given us understanding to know Him who is true, and we are in Him who is true!” 1 John 1:1,2, ch.2:7,8, ch.5:20.

Part of a booklet by Francois du Toit

Monday, October 17, 2005


God’s eternal Word is wrapped up in our sonship. Jesus is now the full expression in one Person of all the fragments of God’s thought concerning man’s true identity and redemption, as communicated in the law and the prophets. “In many and various ways He spoke in glimpses to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days He has spoken His heart to us in a son, whom He appointed the heir of all things, through whom also He created the ages. He is the brilliant reflection of the glory (the original opinion) of God; He is the exact engraved signet-character of the essence of God’s Person. He is the force of the universe and sustains everything that is, by His utterance! Everything that exists finds its significance in Him! His mission was to restore mankind to innocence by blotting out their sin. Having accomplished this Himself, He now occupies the throne room of God’s majesty! His very Being represents our innocence! Once and for all He freed us from a sin-consciousness! Heb.1:1-3, Heb.9:6-14, Heb.10:1-3,10,14. In Him are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge’ Col.2:3,9,10. (His incarnation unlocks the secret code that unveils the mystery of man’s inclusion in Christ. His death proclaims the fact that “we have died and our lives are now hid with Christ in God.” Col.3:3) He is the theme of scripture! God associated us in Christ before the foundation of the world! Ep.1:4. ‘It is from Him that we take our origin’ 1Cor.1:30. Knox

It is such a glorious thing to discover that the true context of scripture is not its historic or even traditional setting, but a reality of far greater relevance, our sonship! Heb. 1:1,2. All of scripture finds its relevance only in its relation to the revelation of Christ as truly representing mankind; He is our true identity! “You search and ponder the scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness to me.” John 5:39. Scripture points to Christ and Christ reveals us! “ And we all, with new understanding, see ourselves in Him as in a mirror; thus we are changed from an inferior mindset to the revealed opinion of our true Origin. 2 Cor.3:18. When we read Scripture in the light of redemption, the Bible becomes a new Book. “The letter kills, but the spirit gives life, My words are spirit and life.” John 6:63. The Bible confused and divided more people than any other book yet its spirit-message remains eternally intact in one man, the Word that became flesh, He reveals every man! “If you continue in My Word (The Word that was from the beginning, the Word that is God, the Word that became flesh and dwells in us) you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free, whom the son makes free is free indeed.” John 8:31,32,36. Mankind’s freedom is in discovering their true sonship! This is the truth as it is in Christ. Ep.4:21. “As He is so are we in this world.” 1John4:17. To know the truth about ourselves as it is revealed in Christ is what frees us to be who we are. He is not an example for us but of us! The only faith that is worth pursuing is the faith of God; what God believes concerning us concerns us, and deserves our undivided attention. God’s faith is on display in the Person, the life, death and resurrection of Christ. God believes in our inclusion in Him! ‘Faith comes by hearing; the kind of hearing that imparts the revelation of Christ.’ Rom 10:17. (See RSV)

To give prominence to any scripture outside of its true context, the revelation of Christ in you, is to wander into distraction and error. “See to it that no one makes prey of you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to worldly principles (popular and accepted rules and regulations) and not according to Christ, for in Him there is all of God in a human body. He alone defines our completeness!!” Col 2:8-10. See also v 16-23, all the types and shadows of the Old covenant are now superseded by the greater reality, the new creation in Christ! “The law is but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities.” Heb.10:1. “We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus. He created in Himself one new man!” Eph.2:10,15, Also 2 Cor.5:14,16,17.

Part of a booklet by Francois du Toit

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Sixty years after he last saw Jesus in the flesh, John, now in his nineties, reflects on the mystery that was revealed which transformed his life from an illiterate fisherman to a saint. He spent most of the latter part of his life (about 30 years) living in Asia Minor and more specifically at Ephesus, much of Paul’s emphasis in teaching therefore reflects in John’s writing. This he did either from Ephesus or from the Isle of Pathmos where he spent a few years in exile. (Compare Col.1:15-17 to John 1:1-3,16-17, 1John 5:20.) He understands that the Word has both an eternal origin and destiny that could never be confined to an isolated island or experience, neither could the Word be trapped in human doctrine or tradition. No inferior translation or interpretation could reduce God’s original intent. The authentic integrity of God’s thought would forever be preserved and celebrated in the incarnation; human life would be the uninterrupted future of the Word.

Notice how often John uses the word, ginomai, meaning birth or origin: ”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things came into being (Gr.ginomai, from genos, to give birth to) through Him; and nothing has any authentic existence outside of their origin (Gr.ginomai) in Him. In Him was life and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness could not comprehend it. (Greek: kata+lambano, to seize upon, to grasp) The true light that enlightens every man has come into the world. The world was made (Gr.ginomai) through Him, yet the world knew Him not; He came to His own, and His own received Him not. (Gr.para+lambano, to grasp, associate with) But to everyone who by faith, comprehends Him to be their true origin, (Gr.lambano, comprehend, grasp, identify with) in them He confirms the integrity of their son-ship, (Gr.didomi, in this case to give something to someone that already belongs to them, thus to return) the fact that they already are His own, born from above, they have their beginning and their being in Him!’ (Gr.eksousia, integrity, legality, authority, legal grounds.) Jesus has come to reveal man’s true sonship; He vindicated our origin and design. ‘And the Word became (Gr.ginomai) flesh and now tabernacles in us!’ John 1:1-14. “We are not preaching a new doctrine, but the word that was from the beginning; yet it is new in that what is true in Him is equally true in us!” 1 John 2:7+8. In Him we discover that we are not here by chance or accident, or by the desire of an earthly parent, neither are we the product of a mere physical conception; we exist by the expression of God’s desire to reveal Himself in the flesh. His eternal, invisible Word, His Spirit-thought, became (Gr.ginomai, be born) flesh. James says: ‘Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth…if any man hears this word, he sees the face of his birth as in a mirror, he sees himself as he is from God’s point of view.’ Jm.1:17,18,23.

God never compromised His original thought. The word became flesh and has taken up residence (tabernacled) in us, and we gazed with wonder and amazement upon the mystery of our inclusion in Him; (theaomai to gaze upon, to perceive) We saw His glory (Greek, doxa, the display of His opinion), the glory as of the original, authentic begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.’ (The original mind, or opinion of God, preserved and now revealed in Christ. He is both the ‘only begotten’, monogenes, as in the authentic original mould, as well as the first born from the dead. Col.1:18, 1Pet.1:3) We have grasped that He is the revelation of our completeness. ‘And of His fullness have we all received, grace against grace.’ (Gr.garin anti garitos, grace undeserved) ‘For the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. He who is in the bosom of the Father, the only (original, authentic) begotten of the Father, He is our guide who accurately declares and interprets the invisible God within us.’ John 1:1-5, 9-14,16-18. “The Word that was from the beginning, what initial reports concerning Him have reached our ears, what we indeed bore witness to with our own eyes to the point that we became irresistibly attracted to Him; what it was that met our gaze and the touch of our hands, yes, life dawned! (Gr.psallo, to touch the string of a musical instrument, thus resonance) The same life that was with the Father from the beginning, now dawned on us! The infinite life of the Father became visible before our eyes in a human person! This life now finds expression in a fellowship union with the Father and the son that is without limit or interruption. In all these years since the ascension of Jesus, John continues to enjoy unhindered friendship with God and desires to extend this same fellowship through his writing to every believer, “so that joy may be yours in full measure.” 1 John 1:1,2,4.
Has the rain a Father?
Who begot the drops of dew?
Who birthed the morning?
Caused the dawn to know its place?
Have you comprehended the expanses of the earth?
Have you comprehended their origin?

He knows you by name
His design is His claim
He boldly declares, “Measure Me”
Have you measured your heart?
Have you measured the volume of your being?
He has chosen you to accommodate the fullness of His dream
Have you comprehended? He is at home within your heart,
A dwelling built within you without walls.
Take My love to its conclusion.
Take My love to every man,
Count the stars, count the sand
Measure the nations in My Hand,
Come on now, measure Me
I fulfil your eternity. (Author unknown-reference from Job 38)

Part of a booklet by Francois du Toit

PO Box 1428
Hermanus South Africa 7200

Thursday, October 13, 2005


“Ascribe greatness to our God, the Rock, His work is perfect!” Deut.32:3,4. “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.” Ep.2:10. “For in Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, all things were created through Him and for Him. He is before all things and all things share their common origin and identity in Him.” Col.1:15-17. The Gospel cannot reveal a redemption or reconciliation of lesser implication than this: “For He has made known to us in all wisdom and insight the mystery of His will, according to His purpose which He has treasured in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and on earth.” Ep.1:9,10. “Everything that exists in heaven or earth finds its perfection and fulfilment in Him.” (Phillips translation) “All this is God’s doing; camouflaged in Christ as it were, God personally reconciled the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them.” 2 Cor.5:19. The same perfection declared and celebrated in the Sabbath of Genesis 1 and 2 is now revealed in redemption and becomes the urgency of our appeal to humanity, to enter God’s rest, to see what God sees in order to co-know with Him and thus to cease from their own labours! Zeph.3:17. We cannot afford to see less in salvation than what God sees in it! “How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?” Heb.2:3. How can we exaggerate redemption, if the half was not told of Solomon’s wisdom and wealth? And Someone greater than Solomon has come! Luke 11:31.

In his famous address in Athens, (Acts 17) Paul reminds the Gentlemen of philosophy that the God they worship in ignorance is the God who made the world and everything in it, “being Lord of heaven and earth, He does not live in fancy decorated shrines made by man; nor is He served by human hands as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all men life and breath and everything. He made from one blood all nations of men to live across the whole earth. Even within their geographical boundaries of culture time and language, He is not beyond their reach; He is their true resonance! (Greek, psallo, to touch a string in order to make music) He is not far from each one of us, (He is not closer to the Jew than what He is to the Gentile!) for in Him we all live and move and have our being, for we are indeed His offspring.” He broke down every wall of division. Ep.2:13-16. Our origin in Him reveals our common identity. Heb.2:11. God is not the product of man’s best guess; He is bigger than religion’s biggest blunder or eloquence in their attempts to define Him. He is beyond extinction or threat and can never be reduced to either our clever or clumsy expression of philosophy or art. Our faith is not the fruit of our own invention or imagination, but the reflection of His initiative revealed in the person of Christ. God interrupted human history when for the first time since Adam, the brilliance of His image and likeness appeared again without flaw or distraction in the form of flesh, the exact expression of His character and Being. (Heb.1:3, Col.1:15,16, Col.2:9) “The age of ignorance is now concluded; this calls for a radical change of mind; God appointed a day and a Person through whom He would judge the world in righteousness and of this He has given assurance to all men by raising Him from the dead!” Acts 17:22-31. Mankind’s judgement fell on one man; His resurrection from the dead is the eternal testimony of their acquittal. He is the only one who qualifies to represent both humanity and Deity in one Person before the highest court of justice. “We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous, and He is the expiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. 1John2:1,2. “He was put to death for our trespasses and raised because we were justified.” Rom.4:25.

Part of a booklet by Francois du Toit

PO Box 1428
Hermanus South Africa 7200

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


While doing boat-based whale-watching tours in Hermanus from 1997-99, I one day had the pleasure of hosting a very famous photographer. I could tell by the size of his camera equipment that he was not your average tourist. He explained to me that he needed to take only two photographs a year to cover his budget! I was thrilled to watch the artist at work. With fluent skill he would exchange lenses and film without missing a moment. On our way back to the harbour we saw a few hundred, maybe even a thousand or more, Cape Cormorants. The next moment they all took off in flight; the rhythm and unison of their wings were like ballet reflecting on the water. Our photographer was happily clicking away when suddenly he shouted: “I’ve got it, I’ve got it!” It was wonderful to witness the joy in the man’s face. He knew that he had captured a moment that would perhaps be worth more than all his equipment put together. I watched him relax and enter his rest and understood that the Sabbath was a celebration of perfection, rather than a break from a busy schedule to observe a religious ritual! Gen.1:31. While he was carefully putting his equipment away, I became absorbed by the thought of photography; magic moments of light, shape, colour and movement arrested and stored on film to be reproduced countless times on glossy magazine pages. These galleries would be appreciated in any culture or language, at any time in the future. I imagined how the artist would file these gems in a way that nothing would be lost of the original picture; regardless of what would happen to the prints, whether they be framed, forgotten or destroyed. Almost like words storing images of rare beauty to be repeated at any time in any language or thought.

In one of her classic novels, Gentian Hill, Elizabeth Goudge paints the picture of little Stella listening to her stepfather reading from the Bible: “All through the Book, even in the dreadful parts, the language would now and then suddenly affect her like an enchantment. The peculiarities of Father Sprigg’s delivery worried her not at all. It was as though his gruff voice tossed the words roughly in the air separate particles of no great value, and immediately they fell again transmuted, like the music of a peal of bells or raindrops shot through with sunshine and vista beyond vista of incomparable beauty opened before the mind. It was a mystery to Stella that mere words could make this happen. She supposed the makers of these phrases had fashioned them to hold their visions as one makes a box to hold one’s treasure, and Father Sprigg’s voice was the key grating in the lock, so that the box could open and set them free. That transmutation in the air still remained as unexplainable as the sudden change in herself, when at the moment of the magical fall her dull mind became suddenly sparkling with wonder and her spirit leaped up inside her like a bird…” (See ‘Weighing Words’ in ‘God believes in you’)
For the first time in the age of the universe, the invisible Creator would display His image and likeness in visible form. Genesis 1:26. The mould of brilliance and perfection would be preserved for eternity in the Word that was from the beginning, in spite of Adam’s fall. Solomon saw a glimpse of this in Prov.8:22, “The Lord possessed me at the beginning of His work, the first of His acts of old, ages ago I was set up, at the first before the beginning of the earth. When there were no depths I was brought forth, when there were no springs abounding with water. Before the mountains had been shaped, before the hills were I was brought forth, I was daily His delight, rejoicing before Him always.” Your original value, the way God knew you before He fashioned you in your mother’s womb, is still intact! Through the preaching of the gospel of truth, the magic of that eternal moment is revealed again in the face of Christ as in a mirror, so that the light of life might dawn in us and we may behold Him face to face, and that we may know ourselves even as we have always been known. 2Cor.4:2-7, 1Cor.13:10-12.

Part of a booklet by Francois du Toit

PO Box 1428
Hermanus South Africa 7200

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Flesh Bibles

How we freshly appreciate the wonder of God becoming flesh, as we think of all you God-filled people we met this weekend! To recognize the Father in one another has always been His idea. To recognize Him, need not be some spectacular event or some visible glow upon your head. We simply need to see from His point of view, for He recognizes His own image and likeness within each man. Have you ever wondered what God’s mirror looks like? When God looks at you, he looks into a mirror – He sees Himself! Jesus was a person so much like us, so ordinary, that the Pharisees had to pay someone to point Him out. Yet He said that if anyone saw Him they saw the Father. We do not need a new event, a more spectacular demonstration, to recognize the Father – we simply need a new appreciation of how He chose to reveal Himself. He chose man! His ultimate intention was never for His Word to be captured in a book, a doctrine, but to become flesh – to be expressed in human form. A blank piece of paper makes no contribution to the message written by the author – as living epistles, we can only let God – the author and finisher of our faith – write whatever He determined to write through our lifes.

You are designed for intimacy with the Father. There is nothing difficult or unnatural about it. This intimacy is not limited to a venue or dependant on a specific environment. It is not limited to an event or a specific time. God’s chosen moment of encounter is always NOW. Neither is this relationship in any way related to your contribution! Jesus did not say to the woman at the well that once she gives Him a cup of water, then He will take her contribution and multiply it and make it a fountain in her. Before she gave Him anything Jesus said: "If you knew the generosity of God and who I am, you would be asking me for a drink, and I would give you fresh, living water." If you know the generosity of God, you will never again be conscious of your own contribution!

At another stage When Jesus taught how to react to the reality of daily needs, He advised us to look at the birds that neither sow nor reap! The Fathers provision has nothing to do with your contribution! Jesus taught on sowing and reaping a another time, but in this context - the context of need – He advised us to rather place our focus on the Father’s goodness than on our contribution!

Let us summarize what we have said so far:
Our intimacy with the Father is:
· not restricted to a place, a venue or an specific environment.
· His time is NOW. Just like you can’t live on the memory of your last meal or the expectation of a future meal, you were not designed for mental encounter with Father, but a real partaking of His substance.
· not limited to our contribution.

You are His venue. Who you are, is the only environment necessary for encounter. Remember, this intimacy is with ‘I AM’ not with ‘I USED TO BE’ or ‘ I AM GOING TO BE’ He only knows of one appropriate time and that is NOW.

Let us now take a step deeper. The father does not intent your worship and adoration to be focussed on Him externally. He want you to realize and recognize and appreciate that the very qualities you adore in Him, He reproduced in you!

“ascribe ye greatness unto our God. He is the Rock, his work is perfect” Deu 32:3,4

Andre Rabe