Hear Him

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Monday, July 03, 2006

August 2006 Weekend Function

Only a month to go!
I'm sure we all share the same experience that Paul spoke about in Rom 1:11 "The longer this waiting goes on, the deeper the ache. I so want to be there to deliver God's gift in person and watch you grow stronger right before my eyes! Rom 1:12 But don't think I'm not expecting to get something out of this, too! You have as much to give me as I do to you."
I was so stirred, the past week, to make the most of the friendships God has entrusted us with. "So, friends, we can now--without hesitation--walk right up to God, into "the Holy Place." Jesus has cleared the way by the blood of his sacrifice, acting as our priest before God. The "curtain" into God's presence is his body. So let's do it--full of belief, confident that we're presentable inside and out. Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching. (Heb 10:19-25 MSG)
The first part speaks directly about making the most of our frienship with God. We have an awesome, always-available, opportunty to fellowship with Him - LET'S USE IT! In the same breath, he speaks about our frienship with fellow believers. There are aspects of God that we can only encounter in one-another! That's how He chose to reveal Himself - through people ... and to neglect fellowship with one-another is to neglect fellowship with Him. Now some might have allowed 'guilt' into their hearts and to them this will sound like condemnation, however, I prefer to use the same words as scripture and call it: "spurring each other on" Come on, we have so much to give and to receive from each other and from our Father, let's make the most of every opportunity.
For those who have not confirmed for the weekend funtion, please do so soon.
Details:When: Friday 4th to Sunday the 6th of August. You can arrive from 11H00 on Friday. We'll finish on Sunday at 11H00.
Where: Holmsted Manor, Staplefield Road, Cuckfield, West Sussex, RH17 5JF
Accommodation: 13 Rooms with own facilities, 9 with 2 single beds and 4 with double beds. All bedding included.
Food: Will be supplied. - you are welcome to bring your own snacks.
Cost: £40 includes accommodation and food.
We are only able to book the whole facility for the whole weekend, so no discount applies if you only stay for one night. Please don't allow finances to stop you coming. Just let us know, we'll make arrangements.
Day-visitors are welcome – a donation of £10/day will cover food & drinks.
What next? BOOK. Please forward your names and whether you want a single bed or double bed room.
Andre & Mary-Anne

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Faith is one of the most attractive and contagious spiritual forces. Faith releases tremendous benefits into one's life, for faith is the doorway between the spirit realm and the natural realm. Faith takes spirit realities and brings them into the realm of our experience, for our benefit.(Heb 4:2)

Rom 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

“...from faith to faith..” Our faith has its origin in God's faith. His persuasion leads to our persuasion. When we see that which God is absolutely convinced of, faith is the natural response. Faith does not begin with effort from our side, but with simply seeing. What we hear and see awakens faith; what we do and say is the result of faith.

Faith and Presumption
There have been times where Mary-Anne and I have acted upon faith and the results were awesome. There have been other times where I acted on presumption and the results were close to disastrous. At that time the differences between faith and presumption were murky, but they have become much clearer. Let's look at some of the differences:

True faith has nothing to do with my own effort. True faith is almost unaware of itself; it's simply seeing. When your focus is on seeing what He sees, persuasion and conviction flow without effort and without constraint.

Presumption on the other hand has everything to do with my own effort and personal convictions. That's why it normally follows a set procedure or formula. The missing ingredient however, is seeing together with God and being convinced of what He is convinced of.

I have realized that when I become too aware of the level of my faith and the way in which I express it, it is a sure sign of losing focus. When I focus on what God believes and set my gaze on what He sees, faith flows, grows, explodes without me even thinking about it. This focus changes my perception in a deep and intimate way. Presumption is cosmetic, shallow and does not flow from the spirit.

The faith of God.
Jesus exhorted us to have the faith of God ( Mark 11:22) Many translation have ' faith in God'. See Young's literal translation. Here and in many other places the literal meaning is the faith OF God.
That is also consistent with Rom 3:17 that says it is from faith to faith. It also corresponds to the fact that faith is a gift (Eph 2:8) God does not want us to have an inferior faith to His faith. He desires to convince us of what He is convinced of!

The greatest reward of faith is not the circumstances it can change or the stuff we can attain with it, but it is the intimacy of seeing together with God; the oneness of knowing what He know; the friendship of sharing the same opinion.

The exceeding great reward of Abraham's faith was not Isaac, but God Himself!

Our Father is so keen for you to see what He sees. He offers you the opportunity to see from His point of view. Life is so much more than what can be sensed through the five senses; don't restrict yourself to to this natural realm. Become aware of His indwelling and allow Him to think His thoughts through you.

By Andre Rabe

Friday, June 30, 2006

Adventures in Christ - Second Edition - Free download

Adventures in Christ

Adventures in Christ

Second Edition - fully revised

Also NEW - Free download

by andre rabe

Have you ever witnessed a wild animal in its natural environment? A tame lion simply does not have the presence of a wild one. A wild lion has an attitude, an assurance in its walk. The unrestricted environment and the untamed nature of the animal complement one another. To tame such a creature and remove it from its environment is to rob it of its identity. Acts 17:28 “For in Him we live, and move, and have our being.“ God Himself is the natural environment in which man is to live! What an unrestricted environment for the expressive nature He gave us.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Truth Preserved; Truth Revealed

Most of us have experienced how a message can deteriorate as it is passed from person to person. Even if the greatest care is taken in to preserve the exact words, the message can still be misunderstood by the intended audience. What a dilemma – how can a message be preserved throughout many generations and still contain its original impact.

How does God preserve the integrity of His message? How does He insure that His original intend is clearly perceived and accurately understood? He has a strategy that astounds me!

Throughout history many wrong assumptions have been made regarding where and how truth is preserved. People have rigorously defended these assumptions, believing that their efforts would mean the difference between the message lost and the message preserved.

The story of the Bible – how it came about and how it was preserved throughout the ages is truly awesome. The way in which the original scrolls were preserved; the way in which men were inspired to translate these scriptures into modern languages, and many paid with their lives for it – all these stories makes it clear that God's hand was involved in this book. The Scriptures are undoubtedly part of God's strategy to preserve and reveal truth, yet it is not the complete strategy.

Except for Hebrew and Greek scholars, we only have a translation of the original writing available to us. Anyone who has studied the original languages will know that translations - even your favourite, most accurate ones – are inferior to the original. There is a richness in the construction of the Greek and Hebrew languages that often got lost in translation.

But even if we assume that we have a perfectly accurate translation, that still does not mean people will understand the original meaning. Any writing is still subject to personal interpretation. That means that your culture, your personal history and issues will greatly influence your understanding of these writings What was meant when the these papers were originally written, often gets lost when we view it through our 20th century and personal interpretation filters.

Recognising the errors that inevitably creep in through misinterpretations, religious institutions have added traditions and rituals in an attempt to explain the scriptures. These institutions insist that truth cannot be understood through the scripture alone, but needs the context of their traditions to understand the true meaning. These man-made traditions can easily be seen in the older establishments like the Catholic Institution, but man-made traditions are just as prevalent in the most up-to-date Charismatic organisations. These additions do nothing to explain or clarify the truth, rather it further deteriorates the message.

Some fiercely defend their view of truth. They defend the integrity of the Bible or the necessity of their own traditions and religious practices. The truth, however, needs no defence. Truth is like a lion – it can defend itself.

God's strategy for accurately communicating His thoughts and preserving the truth throughout all generations, does not rely on the accuracy of scriptural translation, nor on any human tradition or institution. Neither is He dependant on your intellectual ability. He is able to communicate what no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has conceived. He does not depend on our ability to gather and process information.

So what is His strategy? He reveals Himself! Yes, God inspired the writing of the scripture, but the essential ingredient for us to understand scripture is His active, living involvement to give revelation, to open our eyes to see as He sees. He is able to by-pass all the reasoning and influences of our minds and impart revelation directly to our spirits. Revelation is an active event in which the living God manifests Himself. In a way God does not need to preserve the truth, because He is the truth and delights in revealing Himself. In all our attempts to defend and preserve truth, we have missed one very important factor: God can, and does, speak for Himself.

Truth is not found in sentences, words and letters alone. The Word of God precedes the Bible! The Truth is a person – Christ. He uses the scriptures, but He does not rely on scripture alone to reveal Him. He is actively and personally involved in revealing Himself. The greatest testimony to truth is a person who knows Christ – a relational knowledge beyond mere mental information.

By Andre Rabe

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Scriptures in Perspective

What a joy it is to develop relationship with a God that loves to speak! Our God is not silent, nor withdrawn. His voice is familiar and finds an echo within our own hearts. Scriptures is one of the ways in which He chose to reveal Himself, and how to discover His living voice, instead of dead letters, within the scriptures, is the focus of this writing.

Attitude is such an important ingredient in any relationship. Our attitude toward the scriptures greatly determines the value we find in them. The very definition of attitude implies a complex and delicate state that involves beliefs, feelings, and values.

Because of this I thought it best to start with a series of symbols or illustrations, which describe the Word of God. Many of the passages we’ll look at refer to the Word of God beyond just the scope of Scriptures, and I appreciate that God speaks in many ways, but the focus of this writing is specifically on discovering His voice within the scriptures.

Jesus likened the Word of God to seed. Seed is a marvel. An apple seed is not an apple tree, yet it contains within it everything necessary to produce an apple tree. The seed is the beginning, the promise, the container of a living ‘creature’ much greater than itself.

In the light of this, there are two obvious errors in the way we could value the seed. Firstly, because we recognise that the seed is not the apple tree, we could decide to discard the seed. It is not the actual product, so why waste time on it. We could contend that we have an apple tree, and therefore no longer need the seed. I think the error of that is obvious to all.
Secondly, we could place undue value on the seed. We could defend the integrity of the seed, spend quality time with the seed, study the seed, profess our great love for the seed and eventually worship the seed – as if the seed is the life it contains … it is not!

Jesus said that the word of God is like seed. Scripture is seed – it is the beginning, the promise, the container of a life much greater than itself. God’s eternal purpose was never for His Word to just become Scripture, but rather ‘flesh’. “And the word became flesh and dwelt amongst us” Paul saw the same truth when he wrote to the Corinthians that they were ‘living epistles’. He places more value on them than on his letter! Paul intended for his letters to simply be the catalyst, or seed that would give birth to a life much greater than the seed. God intends for the scriptures to simply be the catalyst – the beginning of a relationship with Him that could never be captured in words. God desires to express Himself, not in the letters of a book, but in the lives of His children.

Jesus emphasised this same thought when He told the Pharisees “You have your heads in your Bibles constantly because you think you'll find eternal life there. But you miss the forest for the trees. These Scriptures are all about me!”

Can you see how we could place the Scriptures in a position of honour that blinds us to its actual message? Can you see how we could value the seed as if it is the tree?
In no way do we subtract from the value of scripture in this way. Giving scripture its proper value is also the highest value we can give it.

Scripture contains the Word of God, as such it is intended to function as a seed that would germinate within us and produce the actual fruit – a transformed life.

Again in Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians he warns about an approach to the scriptures that produces death! A seed that is kept outside of the environment in which it germinates can eventually die. So much preaching and teaching tries to impart knowledge and exhort people to gain more knowledge of scripture – I content that this produces more death than life.

Hear why and what John wrote: “I have not written unto you because you know not the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth ... But the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as His anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true and no lie, and as He has taught you, abide in Him.”
His motivation for communication was not to inform or impart knowledge, but to stir up and confirm that which God Himself was teaching them (without his writing).

The Father has made available a relationship with Him, but so often people prefer a relationship with a book about Him. Why worship the manual, if Emmanuel – God with us and in us – is inviting you to encounter Him?

Obviously we value the scripture - the way it should be valued - as a catalyst, but placing it in the wrong position will hinder, rather than promote intimacy with God.

Let me give some examples of what Paul describes as ‘peddling the word of God’. I find the down-to-earth letters of Paul so refreshing compared to so much of our contemporary Christian writing. For instance, Paul doesn’t make a statement and then list 10 scriptures to support his point. It is so easy with concordances etc to find all the words that supports your point of view, yet this method completely ignores the actual message of the scriptures. It is with this perspective that I want to show some shocking facts about scripture. When we loose sight of the overall message, and dissect the scriptures into little verses it is amazing what we find.

The Scriptures are often just an account of what happened and what was done. As such we can say that it contains the Word of God, but we cannot say it is the Word of God. For instance there is an account of how Paul and Barnabas had a disagreement and went their separate ways. This is not God’s Word on how to handle disagreements; it is simply an account of what happened. The message contained within the whole account is the Word of God, not isolated sentences.

Personal opinions.
We clearly see the different personalities and influences of the different times in the writings of the different authors of the Bible. As such it is clearly a human document, yet I also clearly see God’s message and dealings with man shine through all these writings, and as such I recognised that every part, every word is inspired by God. At one stage Paul clearly says that what He is writing is his own opinion and not God’s command! I think most of the writers, although not explicitly saying so, did not think of their writings as Holy Scriptures. This meant that those who read the letters did it with the full knowledge of the fact that there was a real fallible human behind these letters, yet they recognised the voice of God in the message.

Let’s take the book of Job as an example. Often passages are quoted from this book as ‘the Word of God’, forgetting that within this same book, God rebuked them for what they said about Him in the book! Clearly, every individual sentence in the Bible is NOT God’s Word – It is the collective writings that contain His message.

All Scripture inspired by God:
Some find it difficult to reconcile this with “All scripture is given by inspiration of God”. There is, however, no contradiction in saying that God included every word and sentence necessary to communicate His message. Although some of these sentences are personal opinions, and others accounts of lies – lies even about Him – He still inspired the whole story as the container of His message.
Perversion of the scriptures occurs when one does not understand the story and quote the individual verses as ‘The Word of God’ concerning a specific subject.

Of much greater importance than understanding how the writing of scriptures was originally inspired by God, is allowing Him to inspire your understanding of them! Never underestimate the power of a seed – the power within the scriptures. You have the one who created these stories within you – let Him reveal to you its true meaning.

Remember “… the anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as His anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true and no lie, and as He has taught you, abide in Him …”

It is an awesome experience when God takes the truth contained within these stories, written long ago, and makes that truth visible and relevant to you personally. He delights in showing us what He sees. And seeing what He sees is called faith.

Scripture is an awesome catalyst to encounter God Himself, but don't miss the forest for the trees - He is in you, hear Him; know Him; read Him.

By Andre Rabe

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Jesus versus tradition.

A few weeks ago, on my way back from work, I was listening to BBC 4 on the radio. The topic of the program was the emergence of spiritual groups that weren't associated with any mainline religious organisation. A representative of the Baptist Church and a Bishop from the Anglican Church were defending the value of long and established traditions, being the best guard against these 'cults'.
Interestingly, the presenter pointed out to the Baptist minister that their organisation started as a much persecuted group. They were refered to as a cult simply because they did not fit into the Anglican structure of their day. It took decades before they were accepted. (And the reason that they were eventually accepted is because they compromised enough to become just as lifeless as the structure they originally came out off.)
I immediately started thinking about what Jesus said about tradition. Before we look at His words, let me give you the summary of the argument put forward by the Anglican Bishop and the Baptist Pastor:
Basically people are evil and deceptive and therefore you should never be too trusting, and maintain a healthy level of suspision. No one person can therefore have an accurate interpretation of the scriptures. We need many people over many years improving the interpretations of the previous generations. The long esthablished christian traditions were refined and build up over decades and so we can have great trust that they are sound and those who deviate from them are deceived.
The Angican representative ended off by saying he places no value on any spiritual experience. Only religious traditions are worth any attention.
The presenter ended off by remarking that although they were convinced that they had the exclusive rights to the truth, millions were voting with their feet and leaving these religious organisations.
I always find it astonishing that religions that claim to be based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ, would ignore what He had to say. Jesus was confronted on a number of occasions about his apparent lack of respect for tradition. He made no secret of His attitude toward tradition but boldly declared that tradition was the very reason that they ignored God. Let's look at one of these occasions:
"Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?" Mat 15:1-3
Instead of praising the value of tradition, like the people on the BBC interview, He said that tradition can often be the cause of transgressing the Word of God!
I'm so glad that we don't have to rely on our own interpretation of the scriptures to know God. My confidence is not in my own ability to accurately interpret scriptures, or in anyones else's ability to hear Him. My confidence is in His ability to reveal Himself. God's self disclosure was far, far too important to entrust it to human organisations, or leave it at the mercy of our own interpretations. God took this responsibility upon Himself – to make sure that He reveals Himself to all.
It is such a precious experience when God opens ours eyes to a specific truth. Such an experience will often lead to a transformation in our lives – our conduct changes as a result of revealed truth. This is the way God transforms our lives – the transformation is the natural result of beholding Him. Religion is so deceptive because it pretends to do the same thing, but instead of transforming lives throught the revelation of truth, it tries to adjust behaviour. Even what started as a revelation of truth can easily end up as a religious tradition ... if we forget the original truth, and replace it with behaviour management.
Tradition is like an empty tortuise shell – it has the same form as the actual aminal, but there is no life. Never allow the life-giving revelations from the Father to become dull memories. Always return to the ultimate authority and live-giver – your Father, creator of all things.
By Andre Rabe

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Jesus versus religious leaders

When I think of how Jesus related to people, the foremost impressions are compassion, acceptance and understanding. Yet we forget that there were some relationships that we can't describe in any other way, but hostile. There were a group of people, or let's rather say the attitudes and values that were held by these people, for which Jesus had no time whatsoever.
If Jesus was manifested in the flesh today, He would still have the same conflict with these same attitudes, that still resides in the same people. Who were (and are) these people who constantly clashed with Christ? They are called religious leaders.
But instead of me explaining this subject, I'll let Jesus speak for Himself.

Matthew 23 : 5-7: "Their lives are perpetual fashion shows, embroided prayer shawls one day and flowery prayers the next. They love to sit at the head table at church dinners, basking in the most prominent positions, preening in the radiance of public flattery, receiving honorary decrees, and getting called "Doctor" and "Reverent""

Not much has changed since Jesus said this. We still have religious leaders like this, and Jesus is still as disgusted with them now as He was then.

"Don't let people do that to you, put you on a pedestal like that. You all have a single Teacher, and you are all classmates. Don't set people up as experts over your life, letting them tell you what to do. Save that authority for God, let Him tell you what to do. No one else should carry the title of Father, you have only one Father, and He's in heaven. And don't let people manuever you into taking charge of them. There is only one life-leader for you and them – Christ.
Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. If you puff yourself up, you'll get the wind knocked out of you. But if you're content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty"
Matthew 23:8-12 The Message

A person might protest and say: "I can't help it, people esteem me because of my position" Jesus makes it clear that it is up to you, to allow or disallow others to put you on a pedestal. This is one of the underlying values of these religious leaders that so grieved Jesus: their desire to be elevated above others; their pre-occupation with position. He comes right to the heart of the matter when He says: " You all have a single Teacher, and you are all classmates". With this statement He boldly declares the equality of all men, and shatters the very foundation upon which their religious leadership was built, namely: "We are Not all equal ... we (religious leaders) are obviously elevated by God. We are the teachers and you are the students. We are the 'Fathers' and you are the spiritual children. We are the experts, so let us run your lives for you ... let us tell you what to do".

You might think: "That's not me! I'm not a religious leader!" But Jesus does not only warn about being like this, He also warns against allowing such people to have any influence in your life.
"Don't set people up as experts over your life, letting them tell you what to do. Save that authority for God, let Him tell you what to do."
This is very plain and simple. Do you get your instruction from God, or from religious leaders? Are you allowing others to act as experts in your life? Often, when we get dull of hearing, it's easier to simply convince ourselves that God is speaking through this expert, than what it is to give Him the attention we should.

The authority to tell you what to do, belongs to God exclusively, and it is your responsibility not to compromise that. Whoever desires relationship with God, will sooner or later face the situation where they are pressurised to give up the simplicity and purity of such a relationship for a man-made counterfeit.

Jesus not only warns us about the influence of religious leaders, but in the very next sentence shows us how we could fall into that very position and be the very influence that we are trying to avoid! "And don't let people manuever you into taking charge of them ..."

Any person who enjoys the simplicity of direct contact with the Father; who successfully resisted the temptation to give up that authority to humans, will be easily recognized by others. Those who seek a deeper relationship with the Lord will naturally be drawn to such a person, and naively start to manuever that person to take charge of them! Not only should we avoid giving that place of authority to anyone else, we should avoid taking such a position. Our testimony should always point beyond ourselves.

Obviously, the Lord encourages and speaks to us through other people, but that's exactly what we should recognise – it's the Lord! It's not their unique position that enables certain people to speak for God. Anyone feeling proud of the fact that God has spoken encouraging words through them, would do well to remember that God also spoke through a donkey at one stage.

Recognise Him, not position, not title, but Him. This is why Jesus compared the most authoritive position in the kingdom of God with a child. It is not the official title or office of a child that carries the authority, but the childlike attitude. “They started arguing over which of them would be the most famous. When Jesus realized how much this mattered to them, he brought a child to his side. “whoever accepts this child as if the child was me, accepts me” he said “And whoever accepts me, accepts the One who sent me. You become great by accepting, not asserting. Your Spirit, not your size, makes the difference” Luke 9:46-48

Here we have such contrasts: On one hand we have the religious leaders assuming that they are authorized to reveal God and take charge of other people's lives ... Jesus reserves His harshest words for them. On the other hand we have simple children without any assumptions of authority. Jesus says that these children reveal so much of Him, that we should receive them as if they are Him.

To conclude: “Watch yourselves carefully so you don't get contaminated with Pharisee yeast, Pharisee phoniness ... I'm speaking to you as dear friends. Don't be bluffed into silence or insincerity by the threats of religious bullies” Luke 12:2,4

By Andre Rabe

Monday, March 06, 2006



We can no longer ignore the hidden facts. Our whole value system is shifting to suit the needs of individuals. Our entire social structure is reshaping to serve the passions of its participants. On a massive magnitude, the global world is reapportioning power from the "somebodies" to the "nobodies."

These facts forecast a transfigured "laity," and Christendom will not escape their transformations.

The Christian "movement" now encompasses more than the "church." Christ's mission now embraces more than "religion." For spiritual leaders are showing up outside the established church, and "unbelievers" are becoming "believers" outside our sacred "systems."

At the same time, we see an unprecedented transfer of divine power from the ordained to the ordinary, from the educated to the uneducated, from the empowered to the unempowered. God is breaking the constraints, in other words, on who and what a "pastor" is. Spiritual leadership is being redefined, and the implications are enormous.

New Players on The Playing Field

"Cutting edge" churches talk big about each member having a "ministry"--about the importance of the "laity"--about the "priesthood of all believers." For most churches, though, nothing has changed. The old English word laite (or "laity") still means the same: It means everybody else--the "un-clergy," the "un-ordained," the "un-empowered. Or, we could call them the "Sunday spectators," the "church-goers," the "religious crowd". . . .

. . . in other words, all those one step removed from God.

But behind the scenes, a new laity emerges. They are spiritually yearning--yet institutionally alienated--trailblazers. They are often the unwashed, unwanted, and unrefined. Or, more to the point, they are "not-us." They are "alien" believers no longer satisfied to be marginalized, to be excluded, or to simply support someone else's program.

They are leaving their spectator seats, and they are refusing yesterday's "manna."

Of course, these believers still need belonging, and they still need redemption. Most of all, though, they need empowerment. They're tired of old illusions. They want a true "priesthood of every believer." And, they want a totally new relation between the dispensers and receivers of sacred information.

In short, they want a new way of thinking.

And they won't wait. Already, they're finding ministries beyond the religious sector. They're discovering the power of widespread, creative networking. They're taking their place as players on the playing field. In other words, they're becoming inspired participants in the real world.

Though we may refuse the idea, they are Christ's brothers and sisters. They are ordinary people doing extraordinary things. And, they are leading Christianity into lands where old maps no longer work.

John Wesley is hidden in their DNA. Wesley said if a person's heart is in the right place and they are obedient to the Lord, he cares

not a straw whether they be clergy or laymen. (For) such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.(1)

The True Story

Today, we're forced to admit our idea of "laity" was never the intention of the early church. To say "laity" (or laos in the New Testament) was simply to say "Christian." In other words, the laity were not a subspecies of anything.(2)

Free and spontaneous worship gave central place to all participants. "Spiritual leadership," in fact, was widely shared. Lydia and Onesimus, for example, did the work of "pastors," yet they were not "clergy." Indeed, they may not have been even members of a "church."

And, though we may not believe it, men and women shared equally in praying and prophesying.(3) And society's outcasts--rebels (Simon), fanatics (Paul), thieves (Onesimus), corrupt officials (Matthew), and worse--were the leading saints of the early church.

It was only later that Ignatius and Clement argued for the dividing of "clergy" and "laity"--the severing of superiors and subordinates. After the first disciples, however, the power of the church came not from the hierarchy. It came from the monastic movement--ordinary believers who turned their back on an increasingly secular church to seek God above all things.

Let's face it. The monastic movement saved the church!

But history repeats itself. So, once again, shamed believers like Martin Luther complained,

It is pure invention that pope, bishop, priests, and monks are called the spiritual estate, and all princes, lords, artisans, and farmers are called the temporal estate. This is indeed a piece of deceit and hypocrisy.(4)


Yet, nothing has changed--even in the Prostestant church. Today's church is still a "Christendom" church--a centuries-old legacy of the Roman Empire. It ignores the signs of the times--the raw truths of a pre-Christendom heritage and the sober warnings of a post-Christendom reality. It has become irrelevant to the Lord of History.

"Christendom" churches restrict things "religious" to certain times, certain places, certain people--"sacred" programs, "sacred" pews, "sacred" privileges. . . . Their little "kingdoms" are their only community, and their little communities are their only "calling." So their very existence requires pulling people in and never letting them go.

It's a survival anxiety, a maintenance mentality.

In Christendom churches, all "religious" energies must be focused toward the church. That means "professional" Christians must get the "amateur" Christians to "fill all the slots." That means a command-and-control structure must prompt a silent consensus to work all the in-house programs.

It is a closed system, of course, with lockstep procedures, fixed agendas, and authorized leaders. So spirit-led laity and creative self-starters need not apply. And all the others must never stray from official guidelines

God help you if you make a mistake.

Obviously, these churches invest more in programs than in people. And, when necessary, they are ready to sacrifice people on behalf of their "first love." In other words, if you've not chosen your own cross, they are more than happy to choose one for you.

And like most wars, "the soldiers are expendable."

It's no surprise that Christian "movers and shakers" outside the church feel totally underutilized--totally out of the loop. They're told, for example, "Put your dream on hold and come support a real ministry." That "real" ministry, however, turns out to be a frustrated club of part-time, spiritual dilettantes. And the clergy respond to their inevitable complaints by "getting what's-his-name to read a prayer."

And you ask, "Where are the disciples?"

But pity most the multitudes of hand fed sheep--the passive churchgoers blindly following out of habit or duty. Or grieve especially for those lethargic conformers already seduced by the addictive consumer church. Long ago, someone higher up decided these laity were "needy"--that they must be taken care of--that they must be given carbon copies, hand-me-down reports, of someone else's story.

So they stand in line for their cupful of stale, second-hand spirituality. And, they're given, instead, this meanspirited paradox: ". . . a Spirit that is much too obvious to see and much too close to reach."(5) The damage done is incredible.

Each of us is an active, proactive, creative agent. Each of us "kick-starts" our moment in history--no matter how big or how small that moment may be. And, regardless of our ineptness, God still works through each of us to accomplish His purpose.

"There is anger over the hogging of ministry by professionals; anger over not empowering all Christians for ministry; anger over not releasing the spiritual potential in every believer."(6)

A Team of "Spiritual Entrepreneurs"

But angry believers won't have to wait long. The old notion of "professional Christians" is now questioned. For today, a new synergy--a horizontal synergy--is emerging between clergy and laity.

Already, authentic leaders are changing from harvesting to cultivating, from manipulating to mentoring, from teaching to modeling. Already, they are changing from programs to people, from "doing" ministry to "equipping" ministry, from managing institutions to making disciples.

Of course, the secular world had already discovered this shift from "hierarchical, competitive, aggression-based criteria of excellence to supportive, collaborative, interactive ones."(7) And it has rediscovered, as well, the Latin word "authority," which means "to help others to grow."

So--better late than never--the church now toys with a shift from vertical style to horizontal style--from rank and status to love and grace--from patron-client roles to (believe it or not!) Christian brotherhood. It is a shared journey, a pilgrim companionship, a common walk. It is a non-coercive connectedness, a mutual mentoring, a paradox of following while leading. And no one rises above advice or critique.

It's not so much a top-down structure. It's more like a "solar system" where each planet has its own orbit, its own "gifts." In other words, it's more like a team of "spiritual entrepreneurs" where each believer supports and encourages the other's inspired destiny.

St. Augustine got it right:

"What I am for you terrifies me; what I am with you consoles me. For you I am a bishop; but with you I am a Christian. The former is a duty; the latter a grace. The former is a danger; the latter, salvation"(8)

Spinning Off Totally New Riffs

So tomorrow's spiritual leaders will build leaders who build leaders. They will make disciples who make disciples. And, they will equip apostles who equip apostles. Over, and over, and over. . . .

Jesus didn't say, "Go change the city." He said, "Go make disciples."(9) In other words, ministry is through us, not about us. Through visioning, modeling, mentoring, equipping, risking, and midwifing, the new clergy will empower others to act. They will release the gifts, talents, passions, and energies of all.

That means anyone, anywhere, anytime, and any way. It means incognito missions of every kind--ministries in any walk of life--inspired creativity wherever it's found--entrepreneurship in all Christ-like events. It means both within their community and beyond their community--cross-cultural and counter-cultural--local and global.

This new network is the new notion of "team." It's the paradox of diversity, yet unity--fluid spirit relationships, yet the same Spirit--distinct ways of witnessing, yet the same Word. It's like a jazz ensemble intuitively following the leading of an inspired motive, then creatively responding to variations of that motive. All the while, though, each player supports and encourages the band's unity. Then, suddenly, the band spins off totally new riffs in hot pursuit of the Lord of History.

Getting the Keys to the Car

Does anything go?

As long as the laity are aligned with the mission, they need a long "leash." In other words, they need permission to do their own thing, to feel in control of their own destiny, to dream of more than they've ever dreamed to be. That means removing all the unnecessary barriers, all the things that stifle growth, all the constraints on new ideas.

Such permission, of course, includes permission to make mistakes. Of course, the apparent anarchy and seeming chaos of these mistakes drive perfectionists and control freaks crazy. But risk is a necessary ingredient of creativity, and novices need plenteous room to put their inspiration into play.

Sooner or later, they must be given the keys to the car.

This permission doesn't mean laity have total freedom. And it doesn't mean leaders relinquish total control. For the leader does not ignore his own anointing or sacrifice his own conviction. And, he's not a pushover or a Casper-milquetoast pastor.

Sometimes, he must step in. He must rescue the participants, hold them accountable, or even throw out the "bad apples." He may allow mistakes, but he doesn't allow mistakes to "take over." He may permit some things, but he doesn't permit all things.

We confuse permission with permissiveness.


Finally, though, transfigured laity mean transfigured leaders. The success of leaders, for example, is no longer the harvest, but the planting--no longer power, but empowerment--no longer personal gifts, but other's gifts.

It's a different success.

And, the sculptor Michelangelo knew this difference. Patiently--but passionately--he chipped away the excess marble while allowing God's own vision to emerge.

© 2006 Thomas Hohstadt


1. John Wesley, http://prayerfoundation.org/books/book_review_heroes_john_wesley.htm.

2. See the following random Scriptures: Matthew 23:8-12; Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12, 14:26;
Ephesians 4:7-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21; James 3:1,2; 1 Peter 4:9-11.

3. 1 Corinthians 14:14-15, 26; Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:19.

4. Martin Luther, http://www.sspxasia.com/Documents/Archbishop-Lefebvre/Luthers-Mass.htm.

5. Ken Wilber, A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science, and Spirituality
(Boston: Shambhala, 2000) p 141.

6. Leonard Sweet, SoulTsunami: Sink or Swim in New Millennium Culture
(Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan, 1999) p.58.

7. Derrick de Kerckhove, The Skin of Culture (Toronto: Somerville House Publishing, 1995) p. 62.

8. St. Augustine, quoted in Dogmatic Constitution of the Church, Vatican II Council, http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents

9. Matthew 28:18-20.

If you would like to see an article on a specific topic, please feel free to e-mail Dr. Hohstadt at suggestions@futurechurch.net

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Action (by Francois Du Toit)

Our dear Friends

I am so exited to know that we are entrusted with such a treasure of truth!

I know that we are challenged and that often the cares of this life seem to overwhelm us, but we do not lose heart, we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote,

"I believe and so I speak" we too believe and so we speak! While we look not at the things that are seen, but we LOOK at the things that are unseen. Faith sees the unseen! Faith is not confused! Faith is the enthusiasm of God! WOW!

I heard the other day about a business plan where you invite people to listen to the presentation of their product and if some enrol you can earn great commission etc... What challenged me and amazed me though, was how people are attracted to any opportunity to make money; I mean these presentations are nation wide twice a day at various venues! Multilevel marketing has been around, but what gets me is how easily multitudes can be hyped up to pursue money, what will it take to motivate people to discover life more abundantly for themselves within themselves?

We are entrusted with the greatest wealth that any person can ever discover!!

Lets invite people to our homes or organise venues and help people discover themselves!!!

I want to exhort and encourage you to see yourself as Gods Ambassadors!

Extend yourselves! Live beyond your job-description! Think of people right now within your circle of influence and acquaintance and begin to pray for them with conviction, say, God reach out to so and so through my life and touch them with your presence and awaken their understanding to every good thing that lies dormant within them!

I see your life become a vibrant centre of attraction! Attracting people to life-conversation, fountain life within them! I see spontaneous Word cells spring up everywhere! Places where people can come at any time and draw on the well of living water that becomes in them artesian springs!

When you buy a Mc Donalds anywhere in the world you get exactly the same product!

There is such a need for a consistent Word where people know that the conversation that you transmit is consistent with the truth as it is in Christ and not tampered with or watered down to the level of popular opinion or human experience and tradition.

I want to encourage you to stock up with the books and material we have available! I get such beautiful feedback from people all over the world who had a life-changing encounter with God through the reading of the booklets and our website, www.mirrorreflection.net I can say with great conviction that when you read this you can perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ, which is Christ in you! The hope of glory!! It was not written to attract you to a revelation of a man, but to the well within you!

So much money is spent on magazines and TV and the media, let’s invest in life, have booklets available to give to people around you who would greatly benefit!!

Start Bible studies with the theme revelation of our true identity and redemption-realities! There is a Bible study group of ladies in our local area from a traditional church that are studying “GOD BELIEVES IN YOU” They are so excited and are now inviting me once a month to also speak to their husbands!

There is so much God desires to communicate through you! Remember what Paul said in 2Cor.11:6, “I may be unskilled in speaking but I am not so in knowledge!”

We have no excuse for ignorance. God speaks through stammering lips; He is your competence! Reach out to someone today!! Get their email address and forward life material to them! Don’t get stuck in your own needs, reach out to those around you; you have so much to give! You can make a permanent difference. People need friendship more than money!

Your presence makes a difference, everywhere you go!

Make your conversation count. Speak evil of no one! Refuse to be drawn into gossip or arguments! LOVE is your nature!

Visit your local municipality and find out their vision and strategy for your area, offer your assistance, organise and mobilise groups to partner with the local authorities in a non political and non denominational capacity. Let your light so shine that people will see your good works and discover the Fathers opinion about them! There are thousands of bored believers in many church buildings and social groups that are waiting for someone to take the initiative to inspire and mobilise them into Action groups!

Don’t limit yourself to labels of any kind!

There are people right now, within your immediate reach, that are desperate to know what you know!!!!!

In season and out of season, we have no excuse. Lift up your eyes, look away from your own needs and situation, and see the harvest that He sees! It is ripe and ready for the taking!

The hour has come, what are we waiting for?