Hear Him

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Action (by Francois Du Toit)

Our dear Friends

I am so exited to know that we are entrusted with such a treasure of truth!

I know that we are challenged and that often the cares of this life seem to overwhelm us, but we do not lose heart, we have the same spirit of faith as he had who wrote,

"I believe and so I speak" we too believe and so we speak! While we look not at the things that are seen, but we LOOK at the things that are unseen. Faith sees the unseen! Faith is not confused! Faith is the enthusiasm of God! WOW!

I heard the other day about a business plan where you invite people to listen to the presentation of their product and if some enrol you can earn great commission etc... What challenged me and amazed me though, was how people are attracted to any opportunity to make money; I mean these presentations are nation wide twice a day at various venues! Multilevel marketing has been around, but what gets me is how easily multitudes can be hyped up to pursue money, what will it take to motivate people to discover life more abundantly for themselves within themselves?

We are entrusted with the greatest wealth that any person can ever discover!!

Lets invite people to our homes or organise venues and help people discover themselves!!!

I want to exhort and encourage you to see yourself as Gods Ambassadors!

Extend yourselves! Live beyond your job-description! Think of people right now within your circle of influence and acquaintance and begin to pray for them with conviction, say, God reach out to so and so through my life and touch them with your presence and awaken their understanding to every good thing that lies dormant within them!

I see your life become a vibrant centre of attraction! Attracting people to life-conversation, fountain life within them! I see spontaneous Word cells spring up everywhere! Places where people can come at any time and draw on the well of living water that becomes in them artesian springs!

When you buy a Mc Donalds anywhere in the world you get exactly the same product!

There is such a need for a consistent Word where people know that the conversation that you transmit is consistent with the truth as it is in Christ and not tampered with or watered down to the level of popular opinion or human experience and tradition.

I want to encourage you to stock up with the books and material we have available! I get such beautiful feedback from people all over the world who had a life-changing encounter with God through the reading of the booklets and our website, www.mirrorreflection.net I can say with great conviction that when you read this you can perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ, which is Christ in you! The hope of glory!! It was not written to attract you to a revelation of a man, but to the well within you!

So much money is spent on magazines and TV and the media, let’s invest in life, have booklets available to give to people around you who would greatly benefit!!

Start Bible studies with the theme revelation of our true identity and redemption-realities! There is a Bible study group of ladies in our local area from a traditional church that are studying “GOD BELIEVES IN YOU” They are so excited and are now inviting me once a month to also speak to their husbands!

There is so much God desires to communicate through you! Remember what Paul said in 2Cor.11:6, “I may be unskilled in speaking but I am not so in knowledge!”

We have no excuse for ignorance. God speaks through stammering lips; He is your competence! Reach out to someone today!! Get their email address and forward life material to them! Don’t get stuck in your own needs, reach out to those around you; you have so much to give! You can make a permanent difference. People need friendship more than money!

Your presence makes a difference, everywhere you go!

Make your conversation count. Speak evil of no one! Refuse to be drawn into gossip or arguments! LOVE is your nature!

Visit your local municipality and find out their vision and strategy for your area, offer your assistance, organise and mobilise groups to partner with the local authorities in a non political and non denominational capacity. Let your light so shine that people will see your good works and discover the Fathers opinion about them! There are thousands of bored believers in many church buildings and social groups that are waiting for someone to take the initiative to inspire and mobilise them into Action groups!

Don’t limit yourself to labels of any kind!

There are people right now, within your immediate reach, that are desperate to know what you know!!!!!

In season and out of season, we have no excuse. Lift up your eyes, look away from your own needs and situation, and see the harvest that He sees! It is ripe and ready for the taking!

The hour has come, what are we waiting for?